
All journeys begin with just one step.

For the great pilgrimages need courage.

Yet many of us take the paved road,

the comfort of a worn out avenue.

Our world is riddled with it,

discouraged followers.

Sheltered by comfort and dulled by luxury.

Most don’t go anywhere,

just on trips. 

They haven’t seen a thing,

still don’t know where it is.

Why do you avoid what others avoid?

Want what others want.

How ridiculous!!

Courage or comfort?

The river of comfort is strong

and the winds will blow.

Rise and face the breeze.

Out of comfort, into courage.

It is a barren path to the grail.

Forge the trail!

If you are not leading you are following.

The dormant seed is 

covered by darkness.

But shells will crack,

and come undone.

The insides are out,

nothing is hidden.

No turning back.

Don’t cling to the warm soil,

reach for the light.

If you’re not in the sun,

you will be in the shade.

Little grows in shade.

She lives in curiosity and

reaches for open spaces.

She competes with no one,

so none can compete with her.

For she is not dazed by praise nor

crushed by criticism.


Like a bamboo, stretch and rise.

Take massive action.

Reach for the heavens

or don’t reach at all.

The rains will fall, the sun will scorch.

Soft and supple life will adapt,

hard and stiff life will expire.

A bamboo that bends

is stronger than an oak that resists.

Disappointment will come,

it preys upon will.

But discouragement is just an echo of

old defeats. Aftershocks of quakes 

when your world was shaking. 

It is not now, discouragement is old.

It is always old.

What couldn’t you do 

if you weren’t discouraged?

What wouldn’t you try?

What would stop you?

For even drops, tiny drops

will wear away a stone.

For within you is the light of

a million suns,

the shine of a thousand moons.

Keep reaching for that light,

the shadows will be left behind.

Out of the cave.

Out of comfort.

You’re the one.

Stars have awaited your arrival.

The road is clear.

Do not throw stones before you.

Time to show up.

Take the step.

The shadows or the light?

The past or now?

Courage or comfort?

You choose.

It’s Your World, pg 32-34.

Jagdeep Johal